Dental Implants & Veneers

Dentures? Do you know how to really clean them?

Your dentures may not be made of real teeth, but you still want to keep them clean, bacteria-free, unstained, and looking their best.  Just like natural teeth, dentures must also be cleaned daily to remove food residue and to prevent the buildup of dental plaque, Tatar, and the development of stains.  Taking proper care of your dentures is the most certain way to prevent plaque and tartar build-up, and to avoid bad breath.


Step-by-Step Denture Cleaning 

At Gordon Dental we recommend that you clean your dentures at least once a day before bedtime,  if you can also clean them in the morning that is ideal. Follow the steps listed below daily to make sure your dentures stay in good shape and to keep your gums and bone healthy. 

First step is to remove your denture. Then Rinse your denture under running water to get rid of loose food particles. Next use a denture brush or a soft regular toothbrush to brush your denture. You want to brush the underside that fits against the jaw bone and the teeth side.  You can use water; denture paste or non-abrasive toothpaste. Avoid regular toothpaste with abrasives. 

Remove denture adhesive residues in your mouth. Then, use a clean washcloth to wipe along your upper and lower gums and the roof of your mouth before rinsing your mouth out with warm water or mouthwash afterward.  You can also brush your gums with a very soft toothbrush and brush any snap on Implant posts that you may also have. 

Soak the dentures overnight.  It is usually recommended to not wear your dentures overnight.  Use a denture cleaning solution and water to soak them.  You can also use a tablet seltzer cleanser before storing your denture in the water afterwards to soak all night.  

Before inserting your denture in the mouth in the morning, make sure you rinse your denture thoroughly with water first.